The Best Nanny & Governess Agency in Indonesia (Jakarta & Bali) | Babysitter, Au Pair & Child Care (Baby Newborn) Specialist

finding a trusted childminder

Time to read: 4 minutes

As an expatriate, some things may seem strange to do, including hiring a childminder. For developed countries, hiring a childminder is expensive and luxurious, but not in Indonesia. In Indonesia, especially Jakarta, it is not a strange thing anymore because here hiring a childminder is normal.

So, it has become commonplace if you find many families living together with their childminder. The childminder here is often referred to as “mbak”, “suster”, baby sitter, or nanny.

Living in a big city like this is as if being chased by time. It feels like 24 hours is not enough to be able to do all the activities at one time. As an individual, you might be able to be more flexible in dividing your time, but it will be a different story if you are married. You can imagine how difficult it is to divide your time between taking care of the household, taking care of children, working, and others.

Where can I find a reliable childminder?

Nowadays, everything is easy, including finding a trusted childminder. To get the best experience, you can visit which provides services ranging from babysitters to toddlers, school-age children, and newborns in one place. Practical isn’t it?

With a live-in concept, the childminder will stay with you and your beloved family. So that they can monitor your children to ensure their physical and emotional well-being.

If you don’t stay in Jakarta, no need to worry because Nanny Care ID is also available in Bali and other cities.

What are the criteria forthe childminders?

To care for children, you should choose those who have experience in caring for children. Better yet, if the childminder has the appropriate educational background. To care for babies, the childminders are graduates of Midwifery. Meanwhile, Nanny has attended high school education, and Governess has a Diploma or Bachelor education background.

Furthermore, to ensure the communication between you and the childminder runs smoothly, make sure the childminder is able to speak a foreign language, at least English. In addition to having taken Diploma and Bachelor degrees, Governess has also mastered English as a second language.

To find out, you can first interview the childminder online. The childminder will be ready at any time for the interview, according to your free hours.

What is the difference between Nanny, Governess, Newborn Care?

The term Nanny refers to someone who cares for toddlers aged 1-5 years. Unlike toddlers. If the child has entered school age (5-12 years), the child will be cared for by Governess. The Governess will not only help with children’s daily needs but also teach and help children to do their homework. Meanwhile, Newborn Care is intended to care for newborns or postpartum mothers. To see the full profile of the childminders, you can click here.

Get to know more about Nannies, Governess, and Newborn Care duties

The childminders’ main job is to take care of the child. They are not obliged to take care of the household unless it is still related to childcare. The following are the duties of the childminders according to their role:

1. Nanny

  • Bathing and dressing children
  • Creating a safe environment for the children
  • Changing diapers and toilet training
  • Planning meals and preparing food
  • Accompanying children to do any activities
  • Cleaning their rooms
  • Teaching etiquette, manners, and disciplines
  • Planning educational activities for the children

2. Governess

  • Assist children with their homework and school projects
  • Create and implement age-specific and appropriate activities for children
  • Supervise children activities and arrange for a safe environment for them
  • Plan a nutritional meal for each day, based on children-specific nutritional needs
  • Notify parents of any concerns such as behavior problems
  • Provide feedback to parents as to their children’s abilities and limitation
  • Accompany children on school meets, events, and special days

3. Newborn care

  • Educate parents about newborn baby care
  • Assist in scheduling infant feeding and sleep patterns
  • Help with breastfeeding
  • Monitor baby at day and night
  • Change diapers, bathing, and dressing
  • Bottle preparation for breastfeeding or formula

Childminders wage

The childminders’ wage is adjusted according to their position, ranging from 3.5 million (USD 248) to 5 million (USD 355) per month. Since the childminders live at home, you also have to provide room and meals while the nanny is working

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